Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Sunshine Award! Blogging fun.

One of the blessings of our infertility journey has been the chance to connect with other women who have walked or are walking the same road.  Some real life friends and some ladies I've found through their real, authentic, and encouraging blogs about infertility, life, and faith.  
One of those women is Courtney from The Loveliest Way.
Courtney recently nominated me for a Sunshine Award--so sweet!

So, I will answer these fun questions that I'm SUPER late responding to...

1. Do you prefer savory or sweet for breakfast?  Whenever I go out to breakfast, my mouth waters thinking about pancakes, but I usually end up ordering something savory like an omelet or egg sandwich.  I've realized toast with jam hits the sweet spot enough for me.  Sweet breakfasts usually leave me feeling hungry 2 hrs later!
2. What is a beauty product you simply cannot live without?  Lipgloss/chapstick!
3. Complete the sentence: I wish I had more time for... cleaning and keeping my house in order.
4. What is the last book you read? The Mockingjay (last book in the Hunger Games series)
5. Which do you prefer: a live or fake Christmas tree? Live!  Although, we don't water ours well and they always dry out really early.
6. What is your favorite Christmas carol?  O Holy Night
7. If you could own a home anywhere, where would it be?  Somewhere we could drive to easily for last minute vacays... maybe San Diego?
8. Which do you like better: gold or silver?  Gold
9. If you were a flower, what flower would you be?  Maybe Hyacinth because they smell so amazing.
10. What is your favorite book of the Bible? Romans
11. What is something you're holding to or remembering this Christmas season?  I did a lot of reminiscing upon this past year and thanking God again for all that He has done.  I don't want to ever lose sight of the valleys, knowing they help shape who I am.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions, Emily! So funny about toast with jam - I'm like with an English muffin :) And yum on pretty and sweet-smelling. I grow a small grape hyacinth, and I love seeing it pop up every spring. Happy new year!
