Wednesday, March 19, 2014

34 Weeks and other happenings

How Far Along:  34 weeks and 2 days
Weight Gain:  I've gained a total of 30 lbs so far.  No weight gain in the past 2 weeks.   
How Big are the Babies?  Approx. the size of cantaloupes.  Baby A weighed 4 lbs 5 oz and Baby B weighed 4 lbs 13 oz last Friday.  36th %ile and 55th %ile.
Movement:  Less kicking and more shifting around.  Baby A is still head down and seems to enjoy being snug in that position.  He has less fluid to move around in than Baby B does.  Baby B is bigger and has more fluid--what a stinker! :)  Baby B has been enjoying the breech position for the past several weeks.  I'm hoping he flips around when it's go-time, but he may not.  He still sometimes kicks me down below, but he's also more just shifting positions.  I love feeling their body parts pushing out.   
Belly button in or out? It has definitely flattened out and is somewhat an outie, but not quite.  
What I miss:  Nothing!
Milestones:  I have made it this far with them still inside!  I am so thankful they're still growing away inside the womb.  I feel like I could make it to 38 weeks, but my doctor seems to think I won't get that far.
Food Cravings:  WATER.  I can't drink enough of it.  And Diet Cokes from QT.  Food wise?  Nothing really.
Aversions: Not much, just still fried food.
Symptoms: Super tired due to insomnia at night.  I've been taking Benedryl to help me sleep, but I don't want to get too used to that.  I have developed seasonal allergies, too.  Not fun!  I'm not sure if that's just par for the course living in Arizona or pregnancy-related.  
Best Moment this week: My good friend Amy was in town again (just saw her in January) to visit her sister, who lives in Tempe.  It was fun spending time with her.  Also, my doctor said I could let up on bedrest this upcoming Monday, when I'm 35 weeks.  

What I'm looking forward to:  Finishing the nursery!  Installing the carseats (still haven't gotten around to that...).  I'm also definitely looking forward to going for a stroll next week.  I can tell that I've lost some muscle tone or at least energy from lying around and not doing anything.  

Andy and I have been enjoying these last few weeks of our family just being a family of 2.  He is really my best friend, and I can't imagine doing this without him.  I just love spending time with him.  Last week was a lighter work week for him due to Spring Break, so we had a lot more time together, and I was sad when he had to go back to training school this monday!  We keep saying, "Pretty soon, it's not going to just be the two of us!"  We're SO excited to meet our boys, but I'm savoring these last childless days.  

Something I've been enjoying while on bedrest is sitting outside to do my time with the Lord or just sitting in the sun.  This sweet little kitty has started visiting me everyday, and I've fallen in love :)  It doesn't take much for me with animals!  I named her Minerva (after Professor McGonagall in Harry Potter) because my family names our pets after HP characters... hehe.  I call her Minnie, and she is just precious.  Yes, I asked my mom to bring me some cat food so I can feed her, too.  Look at her beautiful blue eyes!  She comes inside the house sometimes, too.  I have no shame.


Lifelong friendships are the best. <3 p="">
Kiki, me, and Amy

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