Thursday, February 27, 2014

Maternity photos

After our team moved here in 2011 to plant Antioch, it seems like there has been a steady flow of other Boston friends who have made their way out here, too!  Four different couples have moved out here since 2012.  One of those couples (now a threesome with little Mailey's birth in August!) is the Swansons.  Danielle Swanson is an amazingly gifted little lady, and one of her talents is photography.  Since moving here, she's had so many chances to do maternity and newborn photos with our influx of babies :)  and now I get to benefit from her services.  Yay!

We went to a little strip of park in Gilbert last Friday and got some great shots.  Now, all of her editing and her eye is awesome, but the subject (read: me) is another story.    I've gained serious poundage in the last month, and I feel like I look huge in these photos!  So I will only post a few.  I know, I know, I'm having twins.  But still!

My baby shower is this Saturday, and I'm so excited.  God is so faithful.  A year ago I wasn't even close to being pregnant and at times wondered if I'd ever have a baby shower.  Honestly, I can't thank God enough and will never cease being in awe of His perfect ways, His generosity, His love.

Monday, February 17, 2014

30 Weeks!

How Far Along:  30 weeks today
Weight Gain:  Ok.  Definitely think I've gained 5 pounds in the past couple of weeks.  We'll see what the doctor's office says on Friday.  
How Big are the Babies?  heads of cabbage

Maternity Clothes: Yes.  But have also broken out some regular pants and the Belly Band in the past week.  
Movement:  Kicking a lot but also slightly shifting sometimes and wedging themselves into places... like under my ribs!  Now I know what that feels like :)  They were both head down on Friday (yay!), so I'm hoping that stays true.   
Belly button in or out? Still an innie.
What I miss:  Nothing!
Milestones:  Every appointment we have, we hear how great it is that we've reached (fill in the blank) weeks... so again, 30 weeks is great.  On Friday, Baby A weighed 2 lbs 13 oz, and Baby B weighed 3 lbs 1 oz.  They're getting bigger!!
Food Cravings:  Cereal and bagels again.
Aversions: Not much.
Symptoms: Super tired.  Sour stomach/reflux is back with a vengeance in the mornings, so I'm back on Zantac 150.
Best Moment this week: I loved getting to surprise celebrate 2 awesome people in our church who got engaged this weekend!  There was a whole house of their friends hiding out when they got back to drop off their friend.  So sweet!  And we found out that Andy's brother and sister-in-law are having a boy!  Lots of Salsky boys.
What I'm looking forward to:  My shower on March 1st!

Monday, February 10, 2014

29 Weeks

I'm definitely getting bigger!  These little boys are GROWING.  Here's the latest picture of their squishly little faces...

My first week back to work was a success.  I'm feeling pretty well overall.  I have had this sore muscle ache/intense pain in my upper right diaphragm area for a couple months now, and that was pretty achey this week, but I feel good.  I'm not sleeping well, so I'm exhausted, but other than those things, I'm well!  I'm so thankful to be able to be up and about some... though I'm trying to rest a lot.  It was so great to be at church last night.  I hadn't been there in 3 weeks!  Fun to see people.  

We're getting closer to being "ready" for their arrival (which hopefully won't be for another 8 weeks!).  We are registered for the hospital Childbirthing Preparation class, which will be the evenings of March 3 and March 17th. Andy spent most of Saturday sanding, priming, and painting a dresser/changing table we bought off Craigstlist.  We still need to buy the cribs, but I'm thinking we can do that any day now.  (From Walmart).  So, the nursery is somewhat coming along.  We're keeping it the blue that we had painted last year, so we need to just set it up and decorate.  

Also, we purchased our carseats!  Yay!  Here's the first one (the second is en route... exactly the same):

It's the Britax B Safe infant carseat.  Can't wait to fill them with babies!  :)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

28 Weeks and great news!

28 weeks 1 day

How Far Along:  28 weeks - Welcome to the Third Trimester!
Weight Gain:  My doctor says I've only gained 18 lbs, but I think I've gained 20 lbs or so.  I was never a fixed weight to begin with, so it's hard to say. My belly is measuring at 36 1/2 weeks today, though!
How Big are the Babies?  Eggplants
Maternity Clothes: Yes.  Loving the pants and long tank tops to wear under things.
Movement:  Yes, they are active!  But apparently they are developing regular sleep patterns, and I definitely notice they're quieter at different points throughout the day.  They are definitely up when I'm going to bed and waking up.  
Belly button in or out? Still an innie.
What I miss:  Well, I'm still so thankful to be pregnant and can't wait to meet these little boys.  But I have to say I miss getting a good night's sleep.  I've just been having these crazy vivid dreams that wake me up, and it's hard to fall asleep for some reason.  Andy is having no troubles sleeping through the night, though!  haha ;)
Milestones:  28 weeks is again a MAJOR milestone for babies.  I'm so so thankful they're still inside and doing well.  And also...  I've been cleared from bedrest!  Praise the Lord!  My doctor is comfortable with me going back to work but really taking it easy other than that.  No standing for more than 30 minutes and listening to my body really well.  I will still need to make lots of time for resting, but I'm so glad for this news.  I just have a lot I feel like I need to do in the next 2 months.  But I went to Target for about 15-20 minutes and was WIPED OUT.  So, I'm definitely aware of what bedrest did to my muscles and energy.  I will for sure be taking it easy.  Also I know that the babies are safer when I rest a lot.  
I also found out that I passed my Glucose Tolerance Test with "flying colors", and I'm not anemic!  Woohoo! 
Food Cravings:  Nothing really... but maybe pizza?  But I always crave pizza, pregnant or not!  LOL!
Aversions: Nothing.
Symptoms: Super tired.  Sour stomach/reflux is back with a vengeance in the mornings, so I'm back on Zantac 150.
Best Moment this week: The great news I received at the doctor this am!

What I'm looking forward to:  Hearing if our boys will have a boy cousin or girl cousin to play with come June!  Andy's brother and his wife are pregnant and found out the gender on Friday.  They are mailing us something fun that will tell us... can't wait!! 

Here are some other pictures of things happening lately...

 My mom completed Baby A's baby quilt!  I love it!  The Winnie the Pooh fabric is a muted "toile" style print--so it's not over the top Pooh or Disney.  It's so precious.  She did a great job!  We just picked out Baby B's fabrics.  His will be a vintage-style baby cowboys print; more of a western style quilt.  It's going to be precious! 

A lot of what I did on bedrest was read (I read a total of 5 books) and do logic puzzles/games!  This game was so fun, and I felt like a mastermind doing the whole book of puzzles in an hour or so.  It's called Chocolate Fix... you get snapshots of each box of chocolates, and you have to figure out the order of the chocolates.  It was entertaining.  I also discovered KenKen puzzles, which come on the crossword puzzle page of the New York Times magazine. It's a kind of number puzzle, kind of like Sudoku.

I was also quite proud of myself for doing these poufs for a bridal shower I'm hosting this Saturday!  Joy usually does the poufs for showers we've had in the past, so this time I had my hand at it.  To be honest, they're kind of tedious to do, but they add so much color and fun to a room, they're worth it.